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Mozilla Firefox 3 Download

Get Firefox 3 is now also because you can download. First-time view of Firefox 3 is still the same as the previous version. I hope there is an Opera browser features such as the Paste and Go, which has been entered in the feature since last year. I am writing to add Release Mozilla Firefox 3 RC1, which has write opinions about Firefox that time already reached version Release Candidate 1 (RC1). Some important features which are quite good at:

* Protection from Malware
* The existence of the integration of antivirus software
* Control parents to their children when using Firefox (parent control)
* Handling the better of cookies and things that tight security against other

If you want a level of security that more than a browser, the Mozilla Firefox 3 is the right choice for you to use. I'm not a user add-ons from Firefox, but some add-on that important for me as a useful web designers are:

* Delicious Bookmark; features of the important and useful to add a bookmark to our favorite sites
* Download StatusBar; if you think like status with the standard can be downloaded from the Firefox add-on to use a
* DownloadHelper; very useful for you with a very good video and download images from the Internet add-ons this will help you
* DownThemAll; This is also a good add-ons for the management of the download you become more tidy and organized, with good
* SearchStatus; an add-on that can display the PageRank (PR) and Alexa Ranking of a website / blog
* Flagfox; to show the location of the site hosting the visit we are in the country
* StumbleUpon; is known that social media can be integrated with the Firefox and the most I like is after we sign only with the block of text that we want it will automatically be entered directly into the account we automatically StumbleUpon

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