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Yahoo Messenger 9 Beta

New Beta

Yahoo re-launched the latest version of Yahoo messenger Beta on 29 May 2008. With Yahoo messenger will be easier for us to communicate with friends / acquaintances in the virtual world. Can chat through (as much sms with the characters) or can also voice chat with (such as telephones with voice), can also see the face of a peer, if we use a webcam.
For earlier versions can be viewed / downloaded here

The installation 2,

1. Downloads can be installed Institutes here (to the existing Internet connection) or 423 kb
2. fullnya version (not always connected to the Internet) 13.79 MB here

I installed the 1, after downloading YM 9 Beta starter, run the file msgr9us.exe (423 kb), will begin to install the Yahoo YM

Follow through the online Installation Process
After the installation is ready to use Yahoo Messenger ...
The appearance of Yahoo Messenger in compare with the previous version

New Features

New features were added (which I know is new):
1. With Icon / Pic / Avatar the Larger
The latest version of the icon-icon larger than the previous version
2. Facilities pre chat message from our friend,
Appears in the lower right corner as the following picture, if the version terhalu only appear when a friend's online / offline, there is now every message from a friend's picture appears as follows:
3. Facilities My Message Status
Could have been directly seen and we live it.
This is the new features that throughout the sayacoba and know, there may still be new features that terlewatkan, update if I can find other new features.

We can, and try to report a bug / error that we find or provide inputs to the yahoo pengembangnya as with the feedback facility is available.

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